Podcasting for Solopreneurs | Podcasting Tips and Growth Strategies for Online Business

93. Can I Replay Past Episodes? | Podcasting Tips and Strategies

Julia Levine | Podcasting Coach for Online Business (The Podcast Teacher™)

FAQ Friday answering the podcasting question of "Can I Replay Past Episodes?"

This episode was produced by me, The Podcast Teacher! Contact me at Hello@ThePodcastTeacher.com.

👋 Send me your podcasting question! I'll answer it in an upcoming episode. Include your name and the name of your podcast/business if you'd like a shout out! 😀 (You can also use this to send me a non-question message)

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Welcome to Podcasting for Solopreneurs and FAQ Friday, where I answer a podcasting question in five minutes or less. Before we dive in, I wanna say that I have currently exhausted my listener submitted questions. While there are a ton of common questions that I can answer, I would love to address your specific questions. So use the send me your question link in the episode description to tell me what you want to know about podcasting. And if you would like a shout out, be sure to include your name and your podcast if you have one. Today's question is, can I replay past episodes? This is a question that I get frequently from clients and students. The short answer is yes, you can replay episodes, but as always, there is more to the answer. I consider a replay airing the same exact content as before, simply reuploading the file and publishing it on a new date.

On the other hand, you can repurpose previous episodes by getting an updated take on that topic and incorporating some of the same information and same points that you've used before. That is an entirely separate approach and not what we're talking about with this question. Replays can be a great strategy in case of emergency. If you are sick and you can't record something new or there's another significant situation that prevents you from creating new content, airing a replay is a great option. I have done this a few times myself when I have been sick. However, I recommend using this strategy sparingly. If you have just planned poorly or you don't feel like recording, that's not really a good reason to air a replay. I also don't recommend using this strategy until you have a minimum of 25 episodes published, preferably closer to 50.

When you have that many episodes to choose from, you can choose an older episode that your current audience either hasn't heard at all because they hadn't discovered your show yet, or they don't remember it well because it was a while ago. Speaking of choosing an episode, you can either choose an episode that did really well the first time, or you can choose one that you thought was really good and should have done well, but for some reason, it didn't. You can kind of give it a second chance. If you have a podcasting question, click the send me your question link in the episode description, and I'll answer it in an upcoming episode. Until next time, happy podcasting.

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