Podcasting for Solopreneurs | Podcasting Tips and Growth Strategies for Online Business
Are you an online business owner looking for podcasting tips to grow your show and turn listeners into paying clients? This podcast about podcasting has you covered!
You’ll get actionable strategies to increase your downloads, attract new listeners, and ultimately convert those listeners into clients for your online business.
Your host, Julia Levine, also known as The Podcast Teacher™, is a fellow solopreneur as well as a certified podcast growth coach.
She shares her podcasting expertise to help you leverage your podcast to build authority in your niche, expand your reach, and grow your client base.
With over 10 years of experience as an educator, Julia combined her passion for teaching with her love for podcasting to create a show that delivers real results. This show has ranked in the top 25 on Apple Podcasts in 8 different countries, placing it in the top 2% of all podcasts worldwide.
Now, she’s teaching you the proven podcasting growth strategies that helped her achieve that success so you can do the same with your podcast!
In this podcast about podcasting, solopreneurs will learn podcasting tips to answer questions like:
-How can I get more podcast listeners and grow my audience?
-How do I use a podcast to grow my online business?
-What are the best ways to promote my podcast as a solopreneur?
-How do I get more podcast downloads?
-What are podcasting growth strategies?
-How can I convert podcast listeners into paying clients and customers for my online business?
-What are the best podcast marketing strategies?
-What can I do to improve my podcast’s SEO and discoverability?
New episodes are released every Tuesday and Friday. Be sure to hit that follow button so you never miss out on the podcasting tips and strategies to grow your show and your online business!
Next Steps:
Check out the website: www.ThePodcastTeacher.com
Email Julia: Julia@ThePodcastTeacher.com
No Podcast yet? Grab the free Podcast Roadamp: 10 Simple Steps to Launch Your Own Podcast (No Fancy Tech Required!): www.ThePodcastTeacher.com/roadmap
Podcasting for Solopreneurs | Podcasting Tips and Growth Strategies for Online Business
89. Is It Bad If Other Podcasts Already Cover My Topic? | Podcasting Strategies
FAQ Friday answering the podcasting question of "Is It Bad If Other Podcasts Already Cover My Topic?"
This episode was produced by me, The Podcast Teacher! Contact me at Hello@ThePodcastTeacher.com.
Take the quiz to find out what you need to focus on for podcast growth: www.ThePodcastTeacher.com/quiz
Welcome to Podcasting for Solopreneurs and FAQ Friday, where I answer a podcasting question in five minutes or less. Today's question is, is it bad if other podcasts already cover my topic? This question comes from Kathryn, and it was submitted during my recent podcasting one zero one workshop. The short answer is no. It is definitely not a bad thing. In fact, it's actually a good thing. If there are already podcasts in your niche, that means there's a demand for that content. People are interested. They are already searching for and listening to podcasts on this topic, which means that you are entering a space where there's already a proven interest.
Other people wouldn't be making podcasts about it if there wasn't a market for the information. I will take that all day long over a niche where you're not sure if anyone's going to tune in. But I will caveat that by saying that if there are already podcasts in your niche, you have to make sure that you stand out in some way. So focus on how your podcast will be different. Do a little market research and see how those other podcasts approach the topic, what audience they're talking to, and then see how you can make it different. Maybe you bring humor into a typically serious topic, or you break things down into super simple actionable steps. Maybe you focus on a specific subset of an audience. Whatever it is, the thing that makes you different is what is going to draw people to your podcast, and you will have an audience in addition to all the other people in your niche.
So instead of seeing competition as a bad thing, choose to see it as validation that you're on the right track, and then get super clear on what makes your podcast different. If you have a podcasting question, click the send me your question link in the episode description, and I'll answer it in an upcoming episode. Until next time, happy podcasting.